Tuesday, 26 February 2008

quick round up

1. i finished the mitts, but it has taken a while to put the photo online:

2. I bought some lurvely fabrics... good old ebay:

3. I am obsessing over cupcakes still. but it seems the rest of the world is too, so there is plenty of cupcake-themed cute stuff in the shops to keep looking at. for me it was the above fabric that started it off, i need to think of something suitable wonderful to make with that soon....

4. i also bought funky vintage style card toppers, so cute!

5. i have a rash on my face and don't feel very well. poor me. at least it means i get to curl up on the sofa instead of go to work today.

6. i need to take photos of all my growing projects (spinach, basil, garlic and chives all doing well - my bathroom looks more like a greenhouse these days!)

7. i am thinking of cushion covers, little folk-art felt birds, easter themed plushies, fimo cupcake keyrings and shelving for the bathroom greenhouse. i am also thinking about the lovely homespun fabric that i've been looking at on ebay for approximately 2 months (its photo is currently adorning the background of this page), and have finally just bought. hooray!

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