Tuesday 1 April 2008

April Fools

As usual on april 1st, i forgot. and got a bit confused by certain reported stories. then woke up and went looking for the best of the april fool's articles.

The Guardian got me til i spotted the author's name. because let's face it, this is actually just the sort of thing you would expect after last week's madness.

The Metro reported BMW waging war on dogs who pee on their cars
(quoting one Lola Forpi - read it and weep anagram lovers)

The Sun take the Apr 1 classic UFO story and bring it up to date with a Google earth twist:

Speaking of Google, they really upped the ante by creating a whole site and inviting us all to join them on mars ("the open source planet").

That's all for now, as i guess i should really get *some* work done this morning.

If thats not enough for you, here's an article listing some of the best April Fool's jokes from previous years.

**ADDED**: Penguin related BBC April Fools. hurrah!

1 comment:

Kore said...

:D Thanks for sharing those little snippets. Big smiles all round for the penguins! K x