Tuesday, 26 February 2008

quick round up

1. i finished the mitts, but it has taken a while to put the photo online:

2. I bought some lurvely fabrics... good old ebay:

3. I am obsessing over cupcakes still. but it seems the rest of the world is too, so there is plenty of cupcake-themed cute stuff in the shops to keep looking at. for me it was the above fabric that started it off, i need to think of something suitable wonderful to make with that soon....

4. i also bought funky vintage style card toppers, so cute!

5. i have a rash on my face and don't feel very well. poor me. at least it means i get to curl up on the sofa instead of go to work today.

6. i need to take photos of all my growing projects (spinach, basil, garlic and chives all doing well - my bathroom looks more like a greenhouse these days!)

7. i am thinking of cushion covers, little folk-art felt birds, easter themed plushies, fimo cupcake keyrings and shelving for the bathroom greenhouse. i am also thinking about the lovely homespun fabric that i've been looking at on ebay for approximately 2 months (its photo is currently adorning the background of this page), and have finally just bought. hooray!

Saturday, 9 February 2008

don't talk about it - do it!

Not much blogging for a while - too busy crafting! and buying!

Yesterday was the fantastic Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts Fair at the Brighton Centre. We spent a wonderful 5 hours wandering around, squealing at cute things, chatting to quilters and button makers and poring over gorgeous fabrics and yarn. And, of course, shopping. Here's my yield.

I have been trying to get hold of those homespun checks for SO long, i am surprised i didn't buy more. But i did promise to stick to a budget and succeeded. I also promised i wasnt going to buy anything to start a new type of craft i wasn't already involved in, but those embroidery threads at 12 for £1 were TOO good to miss! I also bought a huge bag of buttons which i really didn't need - but the mantra of the day was "it's not about what you NEED... its CUTE".

The favourites of the day were a mother / daughter co-op. One runs a button makers, the other a fabric import / craft outlet. both good prices and some exciting plans in store for bringing some currently unavailable fabrics to the UK. see here:



Well, i decided after that to come home and make a giant pincushion as i had had enough of having pins in loads of different places (especially under my bum when i forget to take them out of the sofa cushions!!). And then a matching special home for the new buttons...

As if that wasn't enough, i have been buying lotts of yarn too, in anticipation of my new crochet sampler blanket which will be started before long. these came mostly from http://www.cucumberpatch.co.uk/

The little stripey bit you can see in the pic are the fingerless mittens which will be finished this week.

right, time for me to go and enjoy some sunshine.


Monday, 4 February 2008

i like productive days :)

today i went out in the sunshine, did some grocery shopping and
collected an amazon order from the post office. then i planted my garlic finally.

did lots of work... and then most fun of all made these wonderful draught excluders, which i am very pleased with:

the material was donated to me i've been trying to find something fun to do with it for a while now. they are stuffed with an old blanket i got from the charity shop for £1, and some cardboard to help them keep their shape.

i am a bad kitten tho, because i have managed to get behind on my daily art cards, so i have to get back into those today, then i will have had a very successful day indeed!